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Dehydrated Lemon


Lemon Dehydrated

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Add a touch of citrusy freshness to your dishes with our dehydrated lemon. Perfect for seasoning fish, seafood, or adding a citrusy kick to your favorite cocktails, its intense flavor and crispy texture are a true delight for your senses.

Lemon Dehydrated 150 gr. (70-80~ slices)

Agrega un toque de frescura cítrica a tus platillos con nuestra lima deshidratada. Perfecta para sazonar pescados, mariscos o para dar un toque cítrico a tus cócteles favoritos, su sabor intenso y su textura crujiente son un verdadero deleite para tus sentidos.

Lima deshidratada 150 gr. (70-80~ rebanadas)



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