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Dehydrated Grapefruit


Dehydrated grapefruit slices

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Descubre la exquisita combinación de dulzura y acidez con nuestra toronja deshidratada. Ideal para acompañar quesos, agregar a ensaladas o simplemente disfrutar como snack saludable, su sabor audaz y su textura crujiente te cautivarán en cada bocado.

Rodajas de toronja deshidratada 150 gr. (50-60~ rodajas)

Discover the exquisite combination of sweetness and acidity with our dehydrated grapefruit. Ideal for pairing with cheeses, adding to salads, or simply enjoying as a healthy snack, its bold flavor and crispy texture will captivate you with every bite.

Dehydrated grapefruit slices 150 gr. (50-60~ half slices)


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